Wednesday, August 26, 2009

rail 2.o

went back for some more.
never scratched on that 50's manny flip fall, by the way! hope these aren't too boring..


  1. I like the music with the skating. Saw a clip of a dog that learned to use a skate board too, when is Ender going to skate? lol. Keep the pic's coming, we enjoy watching!

  2. Ethan: That was a LONG manual!!! (sp?)

    He very intently watches these videos and asks if you can do all kinds of tricks that I have no idea what they are! (Seriously, too much time playing Tony Hawk! lol)

    Thanks for posting!

  3. i'm glad you like the music with movies, i try as a thing to make them flow and interesting. so glad you're able to check them out.
    ender LOVES skating SO much, but he mostly likes gunning it around beside us and getting to hang out at the spot watching (which he's better than most dogs at). he knows "watch out!" means it, like a trick LOL.
    that's SO sweet that ethan checks out the clips and knows moves!!! want to hang out!! if only i wasn't so OLD and decrepit i would totally 900.
    thanks for checkin the posts out!
