Wednesday, September 9, 2009


made a bank, tried a 3


we made this sweet bank ramp to gain speed in order to clear the gap between the two ramps. started landing some 360s off the side, until the camera came out...


  1. Looks great, of course much harder once the camera comes out, but, looks like you have it down. Can't believe all the tricks you can do. You should have a friend call up a reporter from the news or paper and have them come over and tape you for a pic or piece on making your own set up so you don't skate "on public property"! You'd be famous again! Looks scary as usual but you have such talent! Be careful.

  2. Natalie: He slapped that against his face?! Why would he do that?? He's crazy! *giggles!!!*

    They both gasped almost every time you were attempting to land the 360! Very cool to watch, thanks again for posting all these videos!!! Love how you edit them!

  3. always trying something!
    yah, don't want reporters and tons of people coming through here, keepin low key. but i DO think it would be cool to make a little vid to the effect of making our OWN skate scene right at home. could be really cool. wish i had some pics from the old howard st stuff!

    yes i'm definitely crazy! lol
    so glad you guys are checkin them out.
