Wednesday, May 27, 2009

i decided to post the ramp build in days, and let the pictures sort of tell the general story. start at the bottom of each. here's day 1

at the end of a long day, it was clear that the ramp would not work where it was. oh man. it was also clear that it was a wise move to be making the changes or the thing would have been ruined! we called a few people to help and agreed to meet the next morning to get the little one out of the way, and drag the big one into its place where it would be easier to level out and then rebuild properly.

inside the barn out back

ender trenching too, always helping

shyrey and lou showed up and helped with trying to dig out trenches for the ribs to level. skating a warbly uneven ramp is dangerous by the way.

so took it all off, sliced the plastic to drain

all the way down to standing pools of water! that won't mess anything up tho..right!

and began finding moisture in the warping

concerned about rain damage and how poorly the ramp was put back together here, i started unscrewing it a bit to have a look.


  1. Wow, that looks like a LOT of work. Is it completely done now??? Did you have many people helping you? How long did it take to finish it?

    Ethan saw me looking at the pictures and instantly asked, "Is that uncle Nathan's half pipe?" Then I had to show him all the pictures! He thinks is "really cool" that you have that at your house!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. TONS of work!
    not all the way done yet, will post more info as i wrap the ramp building project up. tired out!

    aw man, wish we could all kick it! and teach ethan some moves.
    howbout that visit?

  4. woops, removed my comment to add to it but left a blank..

  5. I wish we could visit too! The more I think about it, the more I want to!

    Ethan was out in the front the other day skating on that skateboard Roby got while you saw us in Kingston!!!

    I start school again on Monday, and it goes all summer. I get two weeks off before starting the program in August. Once I start that, I wont have much free time for the next two years. I'll get two weeks off between semesters...but that will feel like "catch-up" time for all the stuff I cant get done while I'm cramming for tests and whatnot. UGH Its soooo frustrating not being able to do what I want to do! We're back in the states and I still cant visit people!!!

    You can always come here!!! ;-) And bring Ender too!!!!

  6. yah, might have to. u don't get to see my sweet compound that way tho, ah well..
