Thursday, May 28, 2009

john helping tons for another day on the micro ramp wave we've made etc. and flowing around. davey helpin us get last bit of wood 2 finish building!?

and alley-oop scoochin.

and a couple of me landing fronside 180,

and showing the crutch cuts he made for the micro.

john throwin' down some nice feebles on the mids

ender's like that red-hatted travel gnome, always there. with his frible.

davey went out of his way to get us the extra wood we needed to "finish" and bring it over.

davey and john checking out the status.


  1. I bet its a good feeling to finally be able to skate on it! Even Ender looks happy!!!

  2. I like the added commentary!!!

    Poor Ender's frisbee looks like it's been through a lot! lol
