Wednesday, December 29, 2010

rebuilder transition

wanted to show the transition from outside to new indoor setup but would like to eventually go back and make something with shots from every setup i've done since moving here. :)the ramp was fun while it lasted but barely skateable by the end. this is footage from the last day it was intact before we tore the masonite off, removed the middle flat, and with six of us barely hefted the pieces into the shed. behind the rubble i set up the micro ramp and skated it under cover for a couple months before really digging in on the huge 8'S Ramp project i'm now skating. don't think this is all i've got on it! just a midnight solo warmup flow to kinda show what it's like.

gorillaz crystalised (xx cover)


  1. VERY cool. Nice to see you skating and lots of people around too. You always did have lots of kids around growing up when you had all the rails and ramps at our house. The "Shed" looks real big, how awesome to have that in your own back yard. Glad for you. Awesome as usual.

  2. Natalie says you're very good at skateboarding!

    Ethan said the video was really cool to watch!


  3. thanks for checking it out so quickly and posting! it's always nice to know you guys find the vids entertaining :)

  4. BTW, the kids are SUPER excited to see you this summer (me too!)! Do you think we could stay with you for a night or two? We're still trying to figure out dates of being where and what not. I'll call you sometime when I have it a little better figured out.
