Tuesday, August 18, 2009

johns 21st birthday whatcom falls jump

on john's 21ST Birthday, we stepped up from the northfork bridge height and went to whatcom falls with the camera to do something fun and memorable!
i'm scared of heights, really trying to challenge myself to get used to it. this one is enough that the inexperienced (myself) think twice, and have to finally just pull the trigger and DO it if you're going to jump. i'd been to the whatcom falls "big one" once before and only jumped once. thing is, when we're in a group people tend to push each other.
a couple min video of this, our latest mission is in the works to be posted on youtube as well. until then, because it was full vid then slowmo tricks last time, i thought it would be fun to post slowmo first this time then round out with the movie to create a symmetry that only i would find noticeable.. mm?

john IS the 21 year old flying squirrel! regs then slow. FULL extension with perfectly formed landing.
Merry 21st Bday man!

colleen eyed it for a min gauging then WENT as soon as i got up there!! we were all tremendously impressed!
my height tester 180

shyrey hucked and spun his first jump, crazy from so far up! it's worth noting that his glasses are sitting on the rock while he does this.
so i had to do it too.

shyrey spidermonkey
regular speed motion with the full cliff framed illustrates hang time

this is my favorite move again, with a little less spinning traded for more stylish tweaking. CORK the 5(40), gather while rotating out (180).
really felt extended on this one!

Merry Birthday John!!


  1. omg, that is insane, your cork was amazing, landed it perfectly, you are a crazy man!!!! fun to watch but I sure wouldn't try it!!!

  2. thank you! =) was very calculated jumping..

  3. Ethan, "He finds weird stuff to jump off of...but that looks fun!"

    I wouldn't jump off those cliffs back in WW more than once/twice (total...ever!), so I would be the designated video taker! lol Impressive jumps and flips/twists! I still don't know how you move like that!

    Looks like a great way to start a 21st b-day bash! Merry b-day to him!!!

  4. yah! thanks guys!
    i think john was happy with how it went, and will be in retrospect.
    was actually scary for me lol. but once it settles then you think you're cool and want a little more maybe?
    like mom said, learned my moves on the tramp at howard. i still think it's lucky lucky me for life to've had that, despite the many fails.
    it's fun for me that Ethan and Natalie get to see the stuff i put up. so if you see this post, hey guys! love you

  5. I left my camera with you so you can go big and keep me posted. Any new moves on the ramp? Hopefully ill be up for a visit soon, we will have to dazzle all with our uncanny acrobatics. You're always welcome down by beach. Had a Gnarly Thunder/lightning storm last night, It was intense. hope to here from you. I might have to but a blog, i like this site

  6. hey S.A., sick you're on here!
    Uncanny Bedazzlments, Spakle Motion.
    it's been sopping wet, or windy so heeeere we go bellingham. so much for chube ing, an the ramp is a marsh. john didn't give the rail to D, doh! m down for goin big here or there, have to "better the film."
    you should put a blog, great for staying in touch when ppl have the time!
    got a janky job today lol, we'll see how this all works out for scheduling visitations.

  7. NICE, I like Janky jobs, haha You dont have to take them to seriously. Ive got an interview at Costco Thursday, kinda stoked on that. I Should be getting a new phone in the mail within a few days. ill give you a ring.
