Thursday, January 28, 2010

i'm filming john skating ferndale we're getting kicked out ender is too

so yeah what's new? kicked out again.. have been back since. :pand have to say here that as usual, Ender is the MAN. he knows about and LOVES going skating, gets ultra hyped and runs along with us for cruises, usually listens even though he'd REALLY like to meet nice people, very importantly "WATCH OUT" is completely understood and he even knows the flow as you can see when he dodges between. sometimes a little too amped maybe, like when he went full speed over the curb and tumbling head over heels just like the guys do LOL!
Built to Spill "mess with time"


  1. LOL Love that you included getting kicked out! Ender looked like he just wanted love from the lady! haha Such a good dog! Love that he's in the middle of it all all the time!

    I still don't know what you're doing all the time, but I can tell that its good when you both get excited! ;-)

  2. Who is that SEXY man skating? I'd date him ;)
