Sunday, September 13, 2009

Practice minutes... woops

so you might notice i wasn't able to contain my self to 1 min.. woops. what a joke! song was jammin so i even tossed in the last "bs 3 youtube cut" clips..

i've done this before, and removed it before anyone noticed. but decided to leave it, whatever already there, and then post a better "Practice Min 2" effort when i've chopped it down.


  1. I'm still really enjoying these...I don't know why you're making excuses for posting them! :-)

    I can't wait to show Ethan!!! He's been playing with his tech-deck a LOT lately too so I'm sure he will get an extra kick out of this video as he's been trying do do some grinding and whatnot with that! haha I have no idea what I'm talking about!

    I don't know what you're doing, but it looks super hard and technical! LOVE the ending!

    I can't imagine how your knee(s!!) feel after doing that all the time!

    Keep posting them, our house loves seeing them at the very least! :-)

  2. that first run was sick man, and then you start nailing the bunt fakies, straight into busting out 3's! I wish i was there man. Nice fisheye

  3. hah! found the old lens from my VHS-C camera and set it on some cardboard in front of yours. it actually makes a huge difference.
    the ramp is the funnest skating these days!
