Tuesday, September 1, 2009


this one'll need an explainer... i have such high expectations for my self all the time. one thing to notice is that left foot forward skating for me is the same as left handed things for you. i have lot's of stuff i know i can do so is "easy." everything's new at some point, so decided to really push my switch nose manual. worked at a fakie flip, bigspin, fullcab, frontshovit, or SOMETHING new out of the switch nose manual i can already do. but fail for hours, wearing my jangly old body down.
wanted to make a clip of the day vid (COD) that shows the passionate efforts put into skating. there WILL be lands to come.
but being out there getting lost in a multi-layered challenge (artistic, physical, mental, time/spacial etc) is one of the most engaging things in life. like a puzzle for your whole being.
the manual up and back while ender walks up, 180 out - move camera - nose manual around moseying ender, might be the best tricks i've ever done lol. while going around him i was balancing trying to decide if i should go for the 180 out, but REALLY wanted a MAKE more than another stupid tricky fall for the archives. Ender's an awesome skater, one of the best i know! even though he rarely steps hoof on board.. that doesn't matter.
check Johns fancy filming on the rolling shots! and overall music to vid flow as usual.


  1. omg that was cool, do NOT see how you can do that manual front to back up and then down things. I saw kids trying to go UP things and not being able to pick up the skateboard like that. WOW. glad you missed the pole on that one! Like the music, we are also waiting to see Ender skate. The one I saw the dog actually stood on the board and pushed himself with his front foot! be careful!

  2. Hope you don't mind, but I have to share my kids' commentary!

    Ethan: "He doesn't look happy..." (When you threw your board.) (Then when you landed it around the poles.) "Wow that was cool!!!" And Nat said, "Good thing he didn't hit that pole! It would have hurt...right there..." (Pointing to the crotch area!!!!)

    Ethan wanted me to ask you two questions: "What's your favorite trick?" and "What's the easiest trick to learn on a skateboard?"

    And last but not least, Natalie says "Hi!"
