Wednesday, July 29, 2009

first ramp vids

we realized a while ago that river tubing might be the greatest thing ever during the times of excruciating heat. so we geared up to DO it. not only were we right, but it turns out ender is part river otter! he WANTED to swim meeting everyone on the way. gunning it into and negotiating down the quicker currents where we all were floating, all about his crew.
we parked half way down at a bridge, and how does that old cliche go? "if your friends jump off of a bridge, well would you do it too then?" it was some girl we didn't know though.. seriously.
we intend to return to the river soon to repeat our sweet moves, hopefully the water isn't too shallow for bridge jump footage! (we heard later a girl "missed the sweet spot and broke her back 3 days ago off there!")

so we decided (to use the camera we forgot to take to the river and sketchy bridge jump) to get a couple of tired out skate moves on the ramp.
unfortunately our first ever video of it. -


a first person view of a 4' 540 (or technically a janky pivot 180 3 out) off the back of my ramp holding the camera.

here i'm trying to learn frontside flips.. maybe one day when i least expect it, i'll finally get them.

kickflip and a five 0 pivot fakie

the ramp is actually steeper, swoopier, faster and more dangerous than it seems on video (to us anyways).

"let's do this"

team doubles. shyrey filming from the 8' ladder on top of the deck, while john and i perform our first ever successful doubles maneuver.

a slow run (slowmo slapon)

for worn out finish shredder


  1. Natalie: "Wow, you're brother is soooo good at skateboarding!" When they watched the doubles video, she goes, "Woooah THAT was awesome!" "Maybe we can see him sometime!"

    Ethan: "That would be cool if he could teach me those tricks sometime!" (He's a little less verbally enthusiastic...haha)

    He was also saying, "He's doing this trick, or that trick" but I have no idea what they are! haha It was cracking me up because he was swaying with you as you were skating!

    I'm impressed, and I LOVE seeing the videos! Takes forever to load, but its worth it for the rest of us! :-)

    And um, don't break your back at the bridge...

  2. hah, that's so cool we can share vids and stuff!
    glad you think it's cool, was motivated to put up another clip with a couple other little moves.
    YAH, really hope not to break my back.. lol
